Definition and availability of sold products exclusively sells rights included photographs, in digital format. The images are from RAW files ("digital negatives"), converted into JPG image files with minimal compression, ensuring High Definition quality.

The dimensions of the sold files are at least 2000x3000 pixels with a resolution of 240dpi. according to the cropping applied to the original files, the photographs may be available in larger dimensions, on simple request.

The catalog of sold pictures is reset each year during the spring. Be sure to check and save the purchased image files as soon as they are received. can not be held responsible for lost purchased files and can not guarantee a recovery of images beyond a period of one year after their shooting.

Terms and conditions

All copyright and other related rights are owned by Mathieu Simoulin, Photographer Artisan (head office: La Terrasse, 04120 Rougon - France). Use cookie irrebuttable presumption for the user to read these, and has acceded without reservation. The user has the right to: reproduce, print, publish the photographic image through any medium, subject to the conditions described below.

It is forbidden to create a scandalous, obscene, racist, or immoral work through the use or photographic processing, as well as attached legends. Similarly, it is forbidden to use the images for commercial or promotional purposes. The user can not use or reprocess the image so that it could violate tangible or intangible property rights (Ex: close-up crop of a person or a monument). Therefore, the user takes full responsibility for the use he may make of the photographic image and would require specific permission from third parties because of tangible or intangible property rights which may be claimed and which are expressly excluded from this license.

Right of withdrawal

Article L. 121-20-2 of the Consumer Code preclude the exercise of the right of withdrawal for the following contracts:
- Goods made ​​to the consumer's request or clearly personalized
- Digital Content on an intangible medium whose performance has begun with the consumer's agreement , for which he waived his right of withdrawal. 
Given the nature of sold products (personal digital photographs), the buyer is committed to waive its right of withdrawal. The acceptance of these terms of sale involves this waiver.

Delivery of images

By direct download as soon as the payment is validated.

What does "Rights included or free of rights"?

The term "including rights or free of rights" does not mean that by buying a picture, you own photographs . The various stakeholders (photographers, subjects...) remain the owners of the rights conferred on them by law and the contracts between them. However, when you bought a picture "including rights or free of rights", you are bound to its owner by a license agreement that gives you the permission to reproduce photos without additional fees to be paid. The responsibility of the author Mathieu Simoulin can not be engaged in any way in connection with any dispute.

Application of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

From 25.05.2018, the european GDPR has been applied on this website by respecting the following criteria:

- The user has the possibility to consult and/or delete all his information in order to preserve his confidentiality.
- The hosting of the website is compatible and approved, according to the standards of the RGPD.
- In order to reinforce the security of the data transfer, the HTTPS / SSL protocol ensures an optimal confidentiality.
- The user is warned by a banner of the collect and the use of any personal data.